Category Archives: Media

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It was never my intent to try to tell other people how to pray. I hoped to give a voice to those who treasure and wish to protect traditional religious practices at the Kotel. In my personal life, I am a proponent of live and let live.

Women of the Sit-in

Though Anat Hoffman pays lip service to the feelings of reverence most Jews have for the Western Wall, she sees the place as an “opportunity,” a convenient battlefield for her never-ending struggle to get respect from those she has no respect for.

Statement After WOW’s “Sit-In” at the Kotel

In 24 hours, WOW has proven two things which they have previously denied: that even their “religious” activities are political in nature, and that they do not represent Jewish women.

Women For the Wall Condemns Sit-In at Western Wall

This evening, the Women Of the Wall declared a “sit-in” at the Holy Western Wall. “By organizing a sit-in at the Kotel, Women of the Wall demonstrate what Anat Hoffman has been saying for year — that WOW views the Kotel as an opportunity, and lacks reverence for the place held sacred by millions of Jews around the world,” noted Leah Aharoni, co-founder of Women For the Wall.

Tradition versus modernity: Women of the Wall

There are women who are not obsessed with having to act like men – wearing a tallit and reading from the Torah – because they know their own worth. They appreciate what it means to be a Jewish woman according to Jewish laws and traditions. They know that freely fulfilling the passionate inclinations of the heart can lead to obsessions, addictions and heartbreak.