We finally have access to the professionally-recorded video from the GA session, “The Wall at the Heart of Israel: How it Connects and Divides a Nation.”
This video should move to 24:12, where you’ll see Ronit Peskin’s awesome speech. Don’t miss how she answers Anat Hoffman, when Hoffman says that Peskin is changing Jewish tradition.
I am so proud of Ronit Peskin for sticking it out despite the disparaging treatment she has received from WOW. First, WOW threatened Peskin with a law suit. Then, HaAretz ran an article which was basically a character assassination of her (which WOW referred to as “exposing the true face of Women for the Wall”). WOW call themselves feminists but had no qualms about personally bashing and threatening the women of the nascent WFW group, in addition to WOW’s ongoing claim that traditional women just follow orders from Rabbis.
Ronit continued on, with her and Leah Aharoni’s inspirational speech at Media Central and now this wonderful presentation at the GA.
Ronit is speaking from her heart and reaching the hearts of countless women. She is an example to traditional women to be steadfast and patiently brave, even in the face of cynical attack from, sadly, our own Jewish sisters on the left.
Anti-religious antagonism can be stood up to with dignity, Ronit has shown us that.