After Israeli police prevented a number of religious worshipers from going to pray at the Western Wall on Sunday, June 9th in order to allow a small group of individuals from the organization Women of the Wall to pray at the holy site, the National Council of Young Israel called on the Israeli government to ensure that such a thing never happens again.
“Giving preferential treatment to a small group of individuals, to the detriment and dismay of the masses, is unacceptable,” said Farley Weiss, President of the National Council of Young Israel. “Freedom of worship at the Western Wall needs to be sacrosanct and those wanting to pray in a non-disruptive and non-provocative manner should never be prevented from coming to the Kotel.”
“All Jews – men and women alike – need to be treated with respect and dignity,” continued Weiss. “We cannot allow a small group of individuals that is engaging in action that is a deliberate provocation to preempt the rights of the greater Jewish community.”
“All parties must demonstrate proper restraint and respect the sanctity of Judaism’s holiest site at all times,” said Weiss. “The Kotel cannot be turned into a battleground in order to promote the agenda of any single group.”
judaism’s “holiest site” is above the kotel, it is har habayit, the temple mount. the kotel is indeed a holy place for us. but that is only until we return to our temple on the “temple mount” (hel-loo).
also, re “freedom” of worship.. it is essential, as the article states that people are not “disruptive or provocative”.